Why You Need
A Brand Champion

Our dedicated team of Brand Champions work closely with every Brad Hall Fuel partner
to ensure your team is fully executing your brand and maximizing brand value.

Better Mystery Shop Scores

Better mystery shop scores mean more incentives for you. Brand Champions work closely with your retail staff to improve mystery shop scores and maximize brand offereings. Our knowledgeable team has a thorough understanding of mystery shop pitfalls and help you address these points beforehand. We follow up every month to make sure these items are addressed before your next mystery shop. 

Leverage Loyalty Programs

Effective loyalty programs bring long-term business to your location. Brand Champions work hard to stay up to date on the latest loyalty programs that you should implement at your c-store. We help train your staff on these loyalty programs and help promote them to customers. 

Operational Training & BEst Practices

Compete in today’s challenging market by operating at maximum efficiency. Brand Champions collaborate with hundreds of successful retail locations on a monthly basis and bring these insights to you. We equip your staff with the latest tips and best practices to be competitive in today’s landscape.

What to Expect

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a brand champion today

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